Case Study: Regenerative Ranchers Choose to Utilize AgTech

CJ Ranching is a family-owned cow-calf and long-yearling operation in North West Saskatchewan. Run by Deanne and John Chuiko, the ranch focuses on raising high-quality cattle using holistic practices with an emphasis on forage management and rotational grazing. Their commitment to land stewardship and soil health reflects their belief that sustainable practices are vital for maintaining a healthy herd. While working in harmony with nature is central to their approach, they’ve also embraced technology to save time and gain peace of mind.
Their Challenge
Like most ranchers, the Chuikos know you cannot be everywhere at once. Their rotational grazing plan alone can take up hours of their day in the summer as it can require them to move their cows multiple times a day. Between that, other daily chores, regular maintenance, and their busy lives off the farm, there is always a risk that a problem will go unnoticed.
The Chuikos have a water building on their property that pumps water to their livestock year-round. However, with their busy schedules, they rarely have time to check out what’s happening inside the water building. This means that if their heater quits in the winter, or their pipeline system unexpectedly loses pressure in the summer it can cut off water supply to their cattle for hours.
Our Solution
In 2023, Deanne and John met FarmSimple Co-Founder, Katlin, at the Beef Innovators Breakfast at Agribition. At this event, Katlin introduced them to the HerdHand Monitor. The HerdHand is a network-connected monitoring device that allows producers to check the status of their livestock water systems from their phones and alerts them during critical water events.
Deanne and John decided that the HerdHand would be an essential tool for their water building and purchased one on the spot. The device they purchased included a temperature and pressure sensor so they could protect their water build year-round and ensure their cattle always have water.
The Results
The HerdHand quickly proved its value when Deanne received a text alert that the temperature in their water build dropped below its normal range. She immediately went out to see what happened and discovered that the heater had quit working. Because of the text alert, they were able to get a new heater for the building right away and prevent their water system from freezing up!
“Using the temperature monitor gives us peace of mind on those -30 winter days that we won’t have frozen pipes in our water building. It isn’t easily accessible and this makes it very simple to keep track of the building temperature. We also have a pipeline system that is now hooked up to the pressure monitor. This alerts us on any issues that arise, enabling us to deal with the problem quickly.” -Deanne Chuiko
It may not seem like it, but regenerative ranching and technology go hand-in-hand. Utilizing technology allows ranchers to be hands-on with their cattle without worrying about problems going unnoticed. Technology also allows for better resource allocation and promotes sustainable practices that save producers time and money.
Interested in how the HerdHand can help your ranch? Contact FarmSimple today to learn more!